Need Real Estate Investment Software to Analyze
Real Estate Investing Deals & Opportunities?
Make Better Real Estate Investment Decisions With Our Software!
Real estate analysis software for real estate investors, agents and brokers to determine
cash flow, investment return, and print over 32 colorful presentational-quality reports.
Cash Flow Analyzer®
Real Estate Investment Analysis Software
Know if you should buy, sell
or just keep looking. ®
Print over 32 colorful presentational-quality reports.
Our software calculates all of these real estate financial metrics automatically.
- Before and After Income Tax Presentations
- Annual Ownership Percentage
- Break-Even Ratio
- Cash-on-Cash Return
- Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)
- Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR)
- Debt-to-Equity Ratio (DER)
- Operating Expense Ratio
- Internal-Rate-of-Return (IRR)
- Modified-Internal-Rate-of-Return (MIRR)
- Gross Rent Multiplier (Monthly) (GRM)
- Gross Rent Multiplier (Annual)
- Loan to Value Ratio (LVR)
- Net Operating Income (NOI)
- Net Present Value (NPV)
- Plus so much more!
Real Estate Partner Analysis Software
Critical Module for Presenting to
Potential Investment Partners
Trying to raise capital for your real estate deals? Instantly calculate and present a deal illustrating a partner’s potential real estate profit and rates of return based on the equity invested.
Preferred Returns on Cash Flow
Preferred Returns on Invested Capital
Manager’s Rate of Return
Memorandum Summary Included
Minimum (Guaranteed) Returns
Before-Tax Presentations
After-Tax Presentations
Sources & Uses Statement
Personalized and Professional Reports
IRA, Roth & 401(k) Presentations
Analyze Real Estate Investments Owned in
IRA, Roth and 401(k) Self-Directed Retirement Accounts
Retirement accounts can own investment property but the account may be subject to what is called the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). In other words, if you own property in an IRA, you may have to pay federal income tax on the IRA’s real estate investment earnings.
With a click of a button, our IRA module calculates the potential UBIT (if any) before you make the purchase so you can compare the after-tax returns. Quickly see which way to hold title to your property!
The IRA module component is also built into the partner module so you can present to prospective partners who want to use their retirement accounts to invest in real estate.
Analyze different types of properties!

Residential Real Estate

Commerical Real Estate

Apartment and Multifamily
Real Estate
Over 1,000,000 use our software to buy, sell
and evaluate real estate investments.
- Individual Investors
- Real Estate Agents
- Real Estate Brokers
- Accountants
- Bankers & Lenders
- Appraisers
Quick & Easy Real Estate Analysis
Our real estate investment software is an affordable and easy-to-use tool that helps investors and real estate agents choose the right investment properties. Know if you should buy, sell, or if you should just keep looking®.
Quickly enter a property’s financial information and the software automatically calculates cash flow and rates-of-return every year up to 20 years. Use our built-in tools to “solve backwards” for the optimal offer price, do an IRA investment comparison, or create reports for limited/private-money partners.
Gary Moses, Real Estate Investor

Report & Presentation Customization
Easily insert property photos, your logo and contact information to make stunning presentations. Choose from over 32 colorful reports to share with partners, investors and lenders.
Don’t Just Take Our Word!
Now Over 1,000,000 Downloads! Landlords, income-property investors, real estate developers, real estate agents, brokers and others. They are all in the residential and commercial industry across the USA, Canada and other foreign countries. They all choose to use the Cash Flow Analyzer® and Flipper’s® software.
Don’t just take our word for it! Read magazine reviews and our customer testimonials. You, too, can make better investments by using the financial real estate analysis software.

Hands-On Assistance Available
Need coaching and help with decision making? Try our Coaching Service. We offer a personal, one-on-one WebEx meeting just with you. We train you and answer all your questions.
Know Who is Behind
the Software Before You Buy!
The point of buying real estate investment software is to use the software to make good, sound investment decisions. So, knowing the qualifications of the team is essential in evaluating which software tool to purchase. Be careful of buying a software package from non-financial, software programmers that simply copy and mimic software designed by someone who actually understands a real estate investor’s needs.
Douglas Rutherford, MTX, CPA, CGMA, CPLA not only is a real estate investor and understands numbers; he designed the software’s output to be in a concise, intuitive format for all to understand. We invite you to read the many stories written by other successful real estate investors who use the Cash Flow Analyzer. Software Testimonials
The decision-making tool you’ve been searching
for to help you choose the right properties.
Real Estate Investment Software