Analyze Real Estate Investments Owned in
IRA, Roth and 401(k) Self-Directed Retirement Accounts
IRA, Roth 401(k) Module
Instantly Compare Investment Returns
Using your retirement account to invest in real estate can be smart! But using an IRA to invest in real estate may subject you to the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). But who cares as long as your overall return is higher than what you would earn if you owned the investment personally. The problem is that until you run the numbers, you may not know if it is better (or how much better) using a retirement account.
With a click of a button, our IRA module calculates the investment returns as if you owned the property in your IRA, Roth or Solo 401(k). The UBIT (if any) and investment returns are automatically calculated and compared to the returns calculated as if you personally owned the property. Quickly see which way to hold title to your property!
You can also present investments to prospective “partners” who invest using their retirement money. Simply select the partner “type” in our partner module feature and our software does all the work computing their specific rate of return.
There is NOTHING else like this on the market!
Since this module is an add-on to our existing Cash Flow Analyzer® Software, you will have access to all of the features plus this module… all in one.
Owning real estate in a self-directed retirement account can literally mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional profits over time from the tax-deferral and income tax saving opportunities. Our module allows you to quantify those savings for yourself, partners, or clients.
Sample IRA Analysis Reports
“… I require all my clients to use the Self-directed IRA Module. They find it easy to use and, most importantly, they get accurate analysis results to help them make sound IRA investment decisions.”
Jim Hitt, CEO
American IRA
137 Broad Street
Asheville, NC 28801
Cash Flow Analyzer Pro ®
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Software for Long-Term Rental Analysis
Software for Short-Term Hold / Flipping
Software for Long-Term Rental Analysis & Short-Term Hold / Flipping
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