Real Estate Investment Software for Quick & Easy Analysis. Real Estate Software & Rental Property Software

Easy-to-use, Affordable, Powerful Analysis Software

Apartments, Single-Family, Commercial Properties… All in One!

Some of our Satisfied Customers…

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwarePresentation Reports

Create and print reports in PDF format for emailing and posting to websites. The reports are used by real estate agents, real estate brokers, investors, financial planners, partners and lenders to present commercial, residential, multi-family & apartment investments.

Choose from over 20 reports, graphs and charts to make your presentation professional to establish respect and credibility.

Property Analysis Software Cover

Sample Marketing
Property Analysis Package

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareProjected Cash Flow & ROI

Cash flow, return on investment (ROI) and a re-sale analysis is computed each year for up to a 20-year time period. Easily see your investment return at the end of each year. These computations are summarized in an easy-to-read, concise report.

Create up to 20 years of investment analysis projections.

Real Estate Software Cash Flow Report

Sample Cash Flow Analysis Report

Projected Cash Flows

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5

Up to 20 Years Available

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareOne Software, One Solution

Our software handles any type of real estate investment:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Apartments & Multi-Family
  • Office
  • Warehouse
  • Raw Land
  • Mobile Homes

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareCapital Improvements

Use the “Reserve Method” or “Specific Method” to determine the effects of future improvements by entering an annual reserve amount with a growth rate or specific future improvements for any year of the 20-year analysis.

The “Specific Method” is depreciated for tax purposes in the year added.  You can also elect to have improvements adjust the fair market value of the property.

Financial Ratios, Metrics & Measurements Calculated

Before and After Income Taxes
Annual Ownership Percentage
Break-Even Ratio
Cash-on-Cash Return

Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)
Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR)
Debt-to-Equity Ratio (DER)
Internal-Rate-of-Return (IRR)

Gross Rent Multiplier (Monthly) (GRM)
Gross Rent Multiplier (Annual)
Loan to Value Ratio (LVR)
Modified-Internal-Rate-of-Return (MIRR)

Net Operating Income (NOI)
Net Present Value (NPV)
Operating Expense Ratio
Plus more!

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareUS & Canadian Income Taxes

Updated for 2024 tax laws, our software provides the MOST comprehensive tax analysis available anywhere.

Quickly determine the tax benefits that are generated from owning a rental property such as tax depreciation including personal property (1-year bonus, 5, 7 & 15-year property).  Options regarding passive losses and like-kind exchanges are already built-in.

Use the IRA, ROTH and Solo 401(k) Module to analyze properties held in an IRA, Roth or Solo 401(k) retirement account.

US Income Tax Laws Real EstateCanadian Real Estate Investment Software

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareAnalyze Unlimited Properties

From a single family residence to an apartment complex to a commercial property, you can easily enter the rental income and expenses for up to 500 units/tenants.

Enter the annual lease rate increase per year, assign a different rate each year, or assign a rate to each lease.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareForeclosure, Short-Sales and Below-Market

The cost of the property may not always be the fair market value especially when you are buying properties at distressed prices. The software quickly computes the return on the spread.

Forecast and determine the future property value by entering a projected growth rate using one rate applied to each year, assign a different rate per year, or use a capitalization rate to value the property.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareIRA, Roth & 401(k) Module

Owning real estate in a self-directed retirement account can literally mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional profits from the tax-deferral and income tax-saving opportunities.  While we all know money can be saved, quantifying the savings has always been difficult.

No other investment software program takes into account the potential tax consequences of owning rental property in a self-directed retirement account.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwarePartner Module

Trying to raise money?  Our partner report feature is far superior to anything on the market.  Show individual partners their share of the profit and before and after-tax investment returns based on their invested cash.

This feature allows you to present individual investment returns with or with out preferred returns.  The preferred return can be cumulative or non-cumulative and is calculated based on profit or a partner’s capital.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareRental Income

Three options to choose from when entering rental income (Monthly or by Sq. Ft:)

1. Quick & Dirty Method,
2. Advanced & Detailed Method,
3. Annual Method, or
4. Enter leases by date and renewal period.

Unit Mix

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareUp to Three New or Existing Loans

Place up to three loans in service in any month and any year.

Compute interest expense using simple-interest, adjustable-rates (ARMs), interest-only, negative amortization, semi-annual, half-monthly or bi-weekly. Refinance loan balance twice, finance points, and print up to three 30-year amortization schedules.

Canadian and Australian interest expense methodologies included.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareGoal Seek & Sensitivity Analysis

Quickly and easily solve backwards to determine what the offer price, fair market value, or initial rental income must be to attain your required rate of return!

Example: A property with an asking price of $390,000 is computed to have a 5% rate-of-return.  You want to know what the offer price should be to earn 20%.

You simply enter 20% as your goal and the program solves backwards for the exact offer price needed to obtain 20%!

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareAnnual Rental & Expense Increases

Increase rental income and expenses annually by entering a single rate to be applied each year or by entering a different rate each year.  You also have the option to increase specific leases and specific expense items by different rates.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareDetermine Best Year to Sell

The information generated from your analysis will help you determine the best year to sell the property. You will be able to compare the annual rate-of-return, cumulative cash generated and other ratios and financial information. Our software helps you forecast when the property starts to under perform. If the performance is below your requirements, that may suggest when to sell.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareHold vs. Sell Decision

Determine the optimal year to sell your property based on the net annual increase in cash and return.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareAlternative Investment Comparison

Enter an investment rate and the software will calculate and compare the returns of the subject property and your alternative investment opportunity.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareCurrency Formatting & Conversion

Convert and change the currency format from the dollar ($) to the euro (€), rand (R), pound (£), rupees (Rs), or rupiah (Rp) automatically.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareInsert Logo & Property Pictures

Easily insert your name, phone number and company’s logo on all reports.  Include property pictures on the Executive Summary report and optional photo album.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareManagement Fees

Enter a management fee percentage and choose to apply it based on either “Gross Rental Income” or “Net Rental Income,” i.e. after vacancy expense.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareInsert Your Company & Property Information

Easily insert your company’s address and contact information and save the information so that you do not have to re-input for each new analysis.

Central menu for entering the property address and information.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareComplete Property Resale Analysis

A complete property resale, cash position, and income tax analysis is computed for each and every year.

Cash Flow Analyzer SoftwareWhat-If Calculations

Change your input over and over to see the affects on profit and investment return. (Also see Goal Seeking feature)

Cash Flow Analyzer Pro ®

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Software for Long-Term Rental Analysis

Landlord's Cash Flow Analyzer Pro



Includes everything BUT the IRA Module.

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Landlord's Cash Flow Analyzer Pro



Includes everything AND the IRA Module.

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Software for Short-Term Hold / Flipping

Flipper's Cash Flow Analyzer Pro



Short-Term Analysis Software for House Flipping

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Software for Long-Term Rental Analysis & Short-Term Hold / Flipping



Landlord’s & Flipper’s
Cash Flow Analyzer Pro


Includes everything but the IRA module.

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Landlord’s & Flipper’s
Cash Flow Analyzer Pro


Includes everything AND the IRA module.

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Canadian Real Estate Investment Software

Canadian Version

Landlord's Cash Flow Analyzer Pro



Cash Flow Analysis using Canadian Tax Laws, Land Tax and Interest Expense Methodology.

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Landlord’s & Flipper’s Cash Flow Analyzer Pro

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